Monday, September 14, 2015


"It is so comfortable to be a minor." Agreed. I think we can all get caught up in living passively about things - not speaking up to voice an opinion or take action on a matter. It's foolish of us to do this, because then we aren't living up to our full potential in making effective use of our talents and thoughts. Letting other people speak for us or instruct us on how to lead our own lives is silly and pointless - what are we living for if we do this!? If we let others make opinions and do everything for us then "[we] have no need to think." Why would we be here if there were no need to think or do anything? We aren't robots!
I also agree with Kant's statement that "it is very difficult for the individual to work himself out of the nonage which has become almost second nature to him," because it highlights how easy it is to fall into habits and to be trapped in the habit of comfortableness. When we begin to grow comfortable with being passive thinkers and doers, then it becomes dangerous.

I commented on Jessica Weeks' post!

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