Monday, September 28, 2015

Day Dreams

Wordsworth speaks to my soul in his poem "I wandered Lonely as a Cloud." When I first started reading it I thought this is beautiful but the last stanza made it hit home for me. This whole poem is about daydreaming. Daydreaming is life for me, and like Wordsworth describes a specific scene in nature, I too have a happy place. It consists of a magnificent oak tree or weeping willow in the middle of a field. I'm on a blanket surrounded by notebooks and books. I can read and write in my Father's creation for as long as I wish, or I can just admire His work. This daydream "my heart with pleasure feels." There is a "bliss of solitude." Now I'm a HUGE extrovert, but it's those quiet still moments that I long for, and that's one reason this poem is so beautiful to me. There is something peaceful about dreaming about nature.

On a side note I really enjoyed "The Tables Turned." Now I love to read, and I am a biology major so books and studying are essential for my everyday life, but there are parts of life that cannot come from books. You have to experience them and live in the moment. I know I'm doing a horrible job of explaining this, but think about it this way. One can read about anatomy for as long as they wish, but the student who dissects will have such a boarder knowledge. Wordsworth is also challenging us to just enjoy life by going into nature which I think is beautiful.
P.S. I commented on Abbey Griffins!!


  1. This post is so accurate for me with the exception of me being a total introvert. I completely agree with wanting to daydream under a tree all day. Sometimes trying to force myself to not be the introvert that I naturally am is exhausting and that weeping willow in the middle of a field somewhere is a really nice place to venture off to on some rather stressful days.

  2. Brannen, I could not agree more. When reading about his memory of the simplicity of nature, I was immediately brought back to some of my favorite spots in Fayette. I know you understand this better than anyone, but Fayette is a beautiful place if you look close enough.
