Monday, September 14, 2015

One small step for men ...

" The man who casts them off would make an uncertain leap over the narrowest ditch, because he is not used to such free movement."

This illustration of one leaping over a small ditch reminds me of maturing. As we grow up we make small leaps in life that gradually become giant leaps. A example is the first Christmas we find out as a child that Santa Claus is isn't real, it is a step into growing up. Whether or not we know it we are always pressing forward to our enlightenment. Now granted there may be some days where we feel like we are going backwards yet we do learn from our mistakes. Puberty, high school, first relationships, gaining knowledge, college are all leaps over ditches. We feel a new sense of freedom when we enter a realm we have never explored before.
In these small steps we must become firm in who are  and not become lazy. For some they steer away from experiencing these leaps by themselves and have help. Kant strongly presses on this subject as he says " enlightenment is inevitable" to the masses and only a few emerge. Why so few? We all have our own capabilities to think for ourselves, to take initiative in our lives, and to be fully independent. Our culture and society says we are independent when we really are chained to many different things. Our cellphones, and social media are two of the main things. I for one am addicted to my phone somedays and can't help put unlock and lock my screen hoping for a notification. Technology is useful but to a certain extent.
I have made many leaps and yet I am not close to enlightenment but I am slowly figuring out more and more.
I commented on Abbie George's blog post


  1. In some ways, growing up is becoming more enlightened and learning to question the things that we have been told since we were young. If we never ask questions and always accept things at face value, how can we ever expect to become educated people with our own opinions?

  2. Santa isn't real?! Haha...just kidding. Anyway, thank you for taking this quote and putting it in a totally different perspective! It didn't occur to me when I was reading that this quote was referring to life and the many steps we take.

  3. I love how you included technology in this! Cell phones, especially social media, I feel hold us back from a multitude of things. Technology advancing has made us lose the will to learn things. We can have it at the snap of our fingers.
