Monday, April 11, 2016

Aaron's Lecture

Aaron brought up many interesting points in his lecture on Thursday. The point I am struggling to reason with the most is how same sex couples that adopt are not able to both legally adopt a child but only one spouse can legally adopt the child. This makes it so that if the spouse that legally owns the child dies then the other parent in the relationship does not have legal rights of the child therefore making the child owned by the state. As much as I don not agree with same sex marriage and it going against my beliefs I know that just because I do not believe in it isn't going to make it to where it doesn't happen. When it does happen I believe both partners should be able to have legal custody of the child. I believe it would be harder on the child to lose one parent to death and the other by force of law then to have lost one parent to death and be able to stay with the other parent. Whether right or wrong I believe this is a tough situation and it has been interesting to hear Aaron explain from a legal and theological view.

P.S. I commented on Wendy Bagwell's Post.

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