Monday, April 4, 2016


Hart's passage about nature is very convicting in my opinion. He talks a lot about Christianity and how Christians should view nature and the world around them. He writes that "the Christian should see two realities at once, one world (as it were) within another..." I think that is astounding. He is asking us as Christians to seek the bigger picture in the world we live in- to see the beauty, but to also see the terror. He says that "to see in this way is to rejoice and mourn at once". We should see the world in its beauty, but then we also need to mourn for the world that we live in because without the terrible there is no need for the beauty. It is like if we know everything about the world, and can defeat our sin, then there is no need for Jesus's death on the cross. But because of our sin, our terribleness, something beautiful came from that, and that is our Savior.

I commented on Brannen's!


  1. I agree! if we have no pain or sorrow than there wouldn't be joy either and in the same way, without terror there would be no beauty. So yes, we can mourn over the bad things but we can also rejoice because of the incredible good of Christ's death.

  2. It is interesting to consider both negative (terror) and positive (beauty) aspects when looking at the world and bigger picture. I agree! It's also like how things can't really be considered good if there is not things that are bad in the world.
