Monday, April 11, 2016


Thursdays discussion with Aaron was one that defiantly opened a new perspective to a very touchy subject in our culture. If he had not pointed out the fallacies in this court case I would have taken these judges word and would have seen a reason ( one I do not agree with) as to why they decided for it. This brings up what is the essence of higher learning which is to challenege and push. Even though this ruling is set,  we still can gather and argue and discuss why it was wrong and how idiotic the judges really are. Aaron could have said " oh well, a loss is a loss." yet the foundation of questioning, critical thinking, and being pushed to achieve more lead to his achieved position and the interanlization to find the unseen flaws in this text. We have been given the same oppurtunity and are being taught these same tools that won't just stay in the classroom but to go out into the world. We are Honors, we are the higher learners and thinkers,  we must challenge!

I commented on Daniel Stephens.

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