We know Mill would say no. And I agree. I do like how honest he was when examining the happiness of one with higher intellectual capabilities. His comparison of man and pig did the job well in proving that ignorance is not the better way to live. He does qualify, however, in saying...
"It is indisputable that the being whose capacities of enjoyment are low has the greatest chance of having them fully satisfied: and a highly endowed being will always feel that any happiness which he can look for, as the world is constituted is imperfect."
This does not just apply to man and pig. This applies to the intellectual and the fool as well, which he later expounds upon. But this rang true to me. I'm still a novice, but the more that I uncover and the more I learn I find myself more prone to being melancholy. I hate this about myself lately but I've witnessed too that those who are very aware of the state of the world can be less satisfied individuals.
But maybe this is the cost of real happiness. To be aware of the wrong so as to fully enjoy being completely aware.
P.S. I commented on Fracesca's.
Qohelet would argue yes, I think. I side with Qohelet.