Monday, November 9, 2015


"The comparison of the Epicurean life to that of beasts is felt as degrading precisely because a beast's pleasures do not satisfy a human being's conception of happiness. Human beings have faculties more elevated than the animal appetites, and when once made conscious of them, do not regard anything as happiness, which does not include their gratification."  
On the list of God's creation. We are above the animals because of our ability to reason. Simple pleasures of delicious food, laughing, etc are not enough for us because we know, reason, there is more to life. But that also adds to the beauty of our praise, doesn't it? Creation calls out in praise to God by simply taking pleasure in their environment. As children we are a lot like the rest of creation. We praise God by simply existing, by enjoying His creation and loving wholeheartedly. Then as we grow, we start to reason more and realize we are not perfect and something is missing. We realize our pleasures are futile. But then the beautiful thing happens. We CHOOSE to worship God. We choos to praise Him and accept Him. Do we deserve that option? No. But does that make our praise increase in beauty? We have to choose to praise Him while creation just does. Or does that make us more flawed? Personally, I feel as if our praise is more beautiful because we leave the pleasurable sin and turn to the one thing that could destroy us and praise Him. It's just beautiful. 

P.S. I commented on Sammiera Long. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the fact that it is more beautiful to choose to praise Him than it is to choose to not worship God. I like the distinction made between us and animals: that we have to choose to praise Him, while the rest of creation just does. I think it proves our obedience towards God rather than it saying we are more flawed.
