Monday, November 9, 2015


Reading this brings me back to when we studied it in philosophy. What was said is that actions are right if they are useful for the benefit of the majority. I do not necessarily believe this. Just because they bring about pleasure to the majority, doesn't make them right. An act is to be judged right or wrong based on its ability to bring about pleasure or to avoid pain. Just because an act brings pleasure, doesn't mean it's right. Some good acts have to bring pain. When you tell the painful truth, that is not a wrong act. It doesn't bring about pleasure though. I really do not agree with Mill.

I commented on Kristina's.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you! Just because something benefits or brings pleasure to the majority certainly doesn't make it right. In fact, the Bible tells us that living a life according to God's plan will, more times than not, be counter cultural. It'll involve something that society doesn't like, but if it's God's desire for your life, it is RIGHT.... but like you said, sometimes what is right brings much pain, in the beginning.
