Monday, February 8, 2016

At the Tip of the Iceberg

I have currently not read very far in the book, but from what I have read all I am left with is more questions. Who is the the magician? Or the stranger? Where are things going? What is supernatural and what is real? And like Caleb said, what do I pay attention to? The story has an upbeat tempo that keeps moving with new surprises at the turn of a page. Characters coming and going, disappearing and reappearing making you question the reality of it all.  However, because I am not far into the tale I am still at the tip of it all, but I am so excited where the further chapters take me.

P.S. I commented on Caleb's

1 comment:

  1. I agree! What all are we supposed to be looking for while reading? The story definitely presents questions that will hopefully be answered soon enough!
