Monday, February 1, 2016


The progression of the boy really stood out to me throughout the reading this week. There is such a contrast between the mountain man Boon, the indian Sam, Major de Spain, and the boy himself. Best I could tell, the boy himself isn't much indian, but he seems to have the demeanor of one. While Boon is obviously more redneck and doesn't seem to really respect the wild, the boy has a sort of hallowed view towards the wilderness and Big Ben that has been instilled in him by Sam. Despite his lack of natural tendency towards the wilderness, even Boon understands how he is lacking. It will be interesting to see exactly what happens with the boys relationship with the ancient wild now that both the indian and Big Ben are no longer there. There seems to have been some sort of rupture, and it will be interesting to see what results.

Comments on Wendy's post.


  1. You bring up a great point, bringing attention to the contrast of each character. The idea that there is a rupture is interesting, and I am also curious about the results.

  2. I totally agree. I love how you mentioned the boy's view towards the wilderness and Big Ben. It's an appreciation I feel.
