Monday, February 15, 2016

Two Ivans and the Weather

Chapter 11 in particular stood out. I appreciate when the weather matches the moods of the characters, so it definitely stood out to me that it pours rain as well as thunderstorms while Ivan weeps. It is all very poetic in a sense. And then the river calms down as Ivan calms down after the injection of medicine. Maybe he is just imagining it all - that his mind going crazy simply causes him to perceive the world in the same crazy way.
Ivan is trying to rationalize and process all of his recent experiences, and is struggling so much so that he is forced to create another version of himself in order to try and comprehend it all. Nothing is logical in his mind.

I commented on Nathanael's!


  1. I also thought this intriguing and the process of Ivan splitting into two different personalities is saddening yet poetic like as you said.

  2. I thought the two Ivans were interesting as well. Poor Homeless. At the beginning of the book he was perfectly normal to me, and now I am convinced he really has gone crazy.
