Monday, August 24, 2015

Good and Evil

One theme I found in my reading of Books 1-3 of Paradise Lost was the problem with the co-existence of the goodness of God and evil. I find it interesting how Milton consistently refers to the fact that God is in control of everything that happens everywhere, including hell. He knows all. He sees all. This idea seems to open the door to the age old question of why God didn’t just crush evil in the first place, but instead allows it to happen. However, Milton also points out in lines 162 and 163 of Book One that God’s providence is to always bring forth good out of evil, in keeping with the hope Christians find in Romans 8.
I commented on Kristina Brooke’s post.


1 comment:

  1. I was thinking the same thing about why God doesn't just demolish evil or even have it in the first place. God knows that He will overcome in the end anyway. I agree with your point of God's providence. I think Christians need hope to cling to, and God always promises to overcome evil in the end throughout Scripture.
