Monday, August 31, 2015

Milton Creates to Many Issues...

I have a few things that are bothering me. Number one, why is Milton all of a sudden calling upon the muse named Urania? Didn't he say that his "muse" was better than all other muses? Number two, why has Milton made Jesus and God two different people? They, along with the holy spirit, are supposed to be three in one. Because of these things, Milton is starting to diverge from his "bible story."

Commented on: Briana Batdorf


  1. Your second question is something I struggled with understanding as well. However, we have to remember that this is an epic poem, which means that excess characters are a necessity (I think).

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  3. I am thinking the same thing! I understand that Milton is taking what basis of Scripture he has and running with it, but it can be tempting for a reader to assume that this twisted version of creation and the fall is Biblical truth. I have to constantly keep reminding myself that this book is a work of fiction and just an idea of how the story may have gone.
