Monday, August 31, 2015

Limitations in Knowledge

Ignorance is bliss. Is it really tough? Chapter 8 spends a lot of time on the idea that God did not create human beings to know all things; most things are left better unknown. That is very relevant in light of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So what then is the limit? When is the moment in technology and research and human development that we (as a population) have gone too far? Sometimes I believe we are approaching that line, yet much more often I cannot comprehend the idea that knowledge is anything but the beauty I regard it to be. This to me is an internal struggle, but ultimately I believe Milton has it wrong. He emphasizes that a line should be drawn. That God did not create things for us to understand. And while that has a hint of truth to it, I believe God takes delight in our interest of creation. Our purpose is to glorify God and what better way to do that than by studying and thirsting for a better understanding of who He is?

I commented on Tyler Whitley's post.

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