Monday, August 31, 2015

Resemblance of Satan

At the tail end of book nine there is a description of the result of the fall of Adam and Eve that in my eyes captured the agony and the loss of paradise so well. I must quote it.

"Nor only tears
Rained at their eyes but high winds worse withing
Began to rise, high passions -- anger, hate,
Mistrust, suspicion, discord -- and shook sore
Their inward state of mind, calm region once
And full of peace, now tossed and turbulent:
For Understanding ruled not and the Will
Heard not her lore, both in subjection now
To sensual appetite who from beneath
Usurping over sov'reign Reason claimed
Superior sway."

This passage was so striking to me for two reasons. One is that when I was reading it I thought for a moment I was confused and reading a description of Satan. The parallel of Satan's paradise (heaven) and man's paradise (Eden) is so beautifully horrible when considering that both were lost because of the same sort of sin. Both individuals were "full of peace" and now are "tossed and turbulent for Understanding ruled not and the Will heard not her lore..."

The second reason this passage was striking is because of the fact that I found it SO relatable. Here I am reminded of Satan and suddenly self! These is the perfect description of what I feel when I sin or am experiencing major anxiety. I feel that Understanding has left the building and my own Will could not hear it any longer. I truly feel both in subjection to my own appetites. I've experienced this same thing, I just never knew how to articulate it. So in examining this passage I realized that I experience "the fall" every single day.

P.S. commented on Brannen's.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that we bear striking resemblances to Satan. But we are kindred in sin. He was our father before salvation came in as our adoption into the Lord's fold.
