Monday, August 31, 2015

I have fallen in love with Milton's creativity. His book is clearly a work of fiction and is not the be all and end all of Christianity but for me at least, it has brought new life to an age old story that has grown rather dull over the years. I've always wondered about what was in between the lines of the Bible and as a child I used to make up insane scenarios just so satiate my inquisitive appetite. Milton definitely did not have all the answers but he did the best with what he had.

I commented on Joseph's.     


  1. I have an issue with his creativity. Though I wish I knew more of the story as well, I don't agree with the fact that Milton has been adding thoughts. These "creative ideas" are so believable we could forget that they are not true, causing the readers to imagine a deformed story. However, to contradict myself, his creativity is rather intelligent and as I said earlier, quite believable.

  2. I agree! I'm very curious to discover what the in-between details are that are not directly addressed in the Bible. However, I do believe we have to come at this book with the perspective of remembering that this is a fictional story based off of a factual story. Having said that, it is fun to imagine what really went down during the creation of the earth, but like Kristina mentioned, we have to be careful of discerning what we read.
