Monday, March 28, 2016


What just happened? I internally screamed "NOOOO!!!" when Rodrigues stomped on the fumie. Then at the end he gives Kichijiro confession, and Rodrigues feels his love for God has never been realer. I just don't know... I am still processing. I want to say he disowned Jesus in front of men and Jesus said he would disown you if you if disown Him before men, but Peter disowned Jesus three times. Then again, Peter asked forgiveness then faced persecution for Christ. Rodrigues just says he never internally renounced his faith, and helps the Japanese find smuggled Christian items. But we are supposed to proclaim the Gospel. I know I am a Southern Baptist American. I cannot fully understand what Rodrigues went through when he heard the innocent suffering, but they were suffering for Christ not him. Right? Now for Garppe, him not apostatizing meant death for those who stomped on the fumie. This seems like a grey area... When I was in youth, my pastor asked me if a missionary is cornered and questioned if he is a Christian, should he be honest or lie? I said be honest. My pastor continued and asked, "What if he has a family and if he says yes, they die?" At the time I did not have an answer. I still don't.

1 comment:

  1. These are questions humans aren't meant to answer. We are fallible; this is definitely a grey area. I am just glad that Rodrigues at least thinks through the entire thing and apostatizes out of love for the people. Whether or not his apostasy was an act of true rejection of God or not is between him and God (fictionally speaking).
    Though we cannot always answer these questions, it is the ones that go unanswered that are sometimes the most important to be brought to mind.
