Monday, March 21, 2016

Kichijiro is me, and I am Kichijiro.

Silence is proving to be an interesting read. I love hearing stories about the courage of missionaries, and their attempts in spreading the Good News of the Kingdom. When Kichijiro was discovered to be a Christian by Sebastian Rodrigues, I was incredibly motivated, despite realizing that he denied his faith to priests. Kichijiro is a relatable character because we all struggle with something. His happened to be his lack of pride in Christ. That may parallel with one's chronic lying, for example, but at the root, both the one struggling with lying and Kichijiro are Christians. It was a reminder that, after humanities' mistakes, Christ still sees us as we are, and welcomes us into the Kingdom with open arms.

I commented on Briana's post.


  1. Yeah. I thought Rodrigues's comments on Christ and Judas were really enlightening into Kichijiro's nature and purpose.

  2. Great insight, I can see how we are him in many ways during a Christian walk.
