Monday, March 21, 2016

The Cost

     Missions are my passion. I love mission trips, meeting missionaries, reading about missions, etc. I have definitely been called to missions. However this book - although I am not as far as I would like to be - reminds me how badly I romanticize missions - actually I tend to romanticize life in general. But like many stories similar to Silence, there are numerous missionaries that go through so much to share the Gospel. The conviction and courage it took for Fransisco Garrpe, Juan de Santa Marta, and Sebastian Rodrigues to fight to go to Japan is mind boggling. They knew that torture awaited them; however, they desired to follow their mission. One of them - Santa Marta - even gets sick before they get to Japan, and sadly he does not even make it to their destination. This novel definitely will be dark however, this is a dark world. It is easy to forget that sometimes - especially when you're singing Disney with your best friends in your dorm. I am excited for this novel, though.  The deep, dark twists of it will be not only interesting but educational, and remind me of what so many have done to simply share Jesus. My appreciation of freedom of religion will definitely increase.
P.S. I commented on Ray's!

1 comment:

  1. I also tend to romanticize life. I cannot even fathom what it would be like to be in their situation. Although, too often I am reminded that we live in a broken world, groaning for peace.
