Monday, March 14, 2016


Hidegger was defiantly confusing yet it was intriguing at the same time. I enjoyed his word choices and the beginning discussion of the different gods. The one thing that stood out to me the most was how he described time as destitute in the passage. I , not knowing the meaning, found that there are two definitions:
1. penniless , poor , impoverished
2. devoid of, deprived of
Both of the theses could be used quite well in to convey his meaning yet I wonder which specific one it could be. If he was to use the first meaning and then associate it with the opening question of " and what are poets for in a destitute time?", it may mean that the era itself is poor in enlightment or in art. That is why the poets are there to enrich them with their words and many underlying meanings.
Secondly, if Hidegger was to use the second meaning it could infer poets are there to gift the regular people with poetry that they have been deprived of for so long.
Either way both fit perfectly in his thoughts but are slightly different.

I commented on Daniel Stephens.

1 comment:

  1. That is interesting on the different ways you can read that one sentence. I like to read it as the second meaning but as you said both would work.
