Monday, March 21, 2016

The Evolution of Rodrigues

I'm paying special attention to the language used by Rodrigues as he tells of the events that are taking place as he ministers to the Japanese villages. I think it is apparent to all of us reading that his faith is slowly being countered by doubt as he encounters various trials.

It isn't so much that he himself is being persecuted as of yet, but just in witnessing the persecution and death of his two friends his faith is shaken. Jeremy mentioned the theme of material realities versus spiritual realities. As Rodrigues begins to note the physical realities of loneliness, persecution, death, and ultimately the silence of God, his faith in the unseen realities is slowly diminishing.

He has not yet abandoned the spiritual truth as he is continually referencing the face of Christ, the hope in eternity, yet he is gradually referring to them less and less as his discouragement increases. Previously when faced with a discouraging circumstance, in the same breath Rodrigues would dismiss it with hope of the purpose of Christ. His strong faith at the start of the work is evolving into a great confusion, a great doubt that is being countered less and less by faith.

P.S. Commented on Jeremy's.


  1. Hmm, that's an interesting observation. It's fascinating to me that at the beginning they almost have a sort of longing to be persecuted for Christ, but as they actually begin accomplishing his work they seem to be becoming more discouraged.

  2. I found it interesting that he kept referring back to the face of Christ; he was intrigued with the fact that it is not described in the scriptures. Rodrigues's faith has a breaking point I do believe, because he doubts so often from the beginning.

  3. Doubt- it encounters everyone at some point. Just as we talked about with Heidegger last week- those moments of truly seeing other possibilities. It seems that Rodrigues has done that which we were warned against- made a choice instead of feeling it out in time. He keeps being shocked, and every time it brings about doubt- then an instantaneous decision. I personally cannot wait to see how he turns out as the storyline progresses.
