Monday, March 28, 2016


I'll start off on a random note. I adored Roodrigues' comment that Ferreira had committed blasphemy against the people. As if people are in possession of their own kind of holiness. It was beautiful. 

But I'm really stuck. If it's true that a culture can be encountered where there is literally no concept of divinity beyond human existence, what then is the missionary supposed to do? Is it ok for the Japanese to think of God as the Great Sun? If that is the highest though they have, is that not good enough for the Lord? Or....are we called to go in and completely override the culture and create a totally new thought for an entire people? That really sobers me since I myself feel called to missions work in the Far East. How do I help lead a man to a God his intellect has no idea how to communicate with? I really don't know what to do with that thought. 

— Sierra has my comment. 


  1. That is a question I was wrestling with as well. What would the strategy of a missionary in a situation/culture like this be? Maybe thats not something a missionary knows until they are amidst the culture and really have to just listen for God's instructions.

  2. That is a beautifully worded question. I do not think there is a completely right answer, but it is definitely something one cannot ignore.
