Monday, October 19, 2015

Power To the People

Marx ideas for a country run by the people is rather intriguing, to say the least. His ideas for there to be no rich, that there is no private property and all is shared equally among all is a nice thought. I could go on about how, in practice, as it has been proven, the idea of Communism doesn't work like it does on paper. But right now, I want to simply appreciate the thought of this perfectly fair society, where you get what is fair and equal to everyone else because everyone else is receiving the same as you. While we here, in our capitalistic ways think that you should get what you are owed for how hard you've worked, it has bred its own issues in our society, and while, yes, Communism doesn't really work like it is supposed to, it is still a nice thought to have when you are thinking of what would the perfect society be like.

I commented on Francesca M. Garcia's post.


  1. I was thinking the same as I read. I kept finding myself thinking "hey this doesn't sound bad at all. Am I a communist?" Of course on paper it sounds good and when translated to reality it simply doesn't work. But you're right. I appreciate where this idea was going.

  2. I disagree. I don't like the ideas at all, because I think it's too much of an attempt at utopianism. People like to earn and own things. And years before any of this was developed, the colonists developed a much more reasonable form of gov't to be ruled by the people.

  3. I completely disagree with Marx. I would hate to live in world where everyone would be considered the same and rewarded as such regardless of the effort they put into their work.

  4. I would have to agree and disagree to parts. I agree that it sounds nice to be treated fairly. But we all know that ends on paper and can not happen. I disagree with Marx because as Justin said, I do not want to live in a world where everyone would be considered the same and rewarded the same because some people would do a lot less or a lot more than I did.
