Monday, October 19, 2015

Proletariat versus Bourgeoisie

Manifesto's theme was centered on classes in society. One class over and against another. In particular, the proletariats and the bourgeoisies opposed each other. The bourgeoisies were working class revolutionaries that desired change. They begun in early history as serfs, servants, the common people. Marx went into depth of their history. They steadily climbed the ladder of social status, and the proletariats were not at all pleased of the weakening gap between statuses. The bourgeoisies relied heavily on advances in technology as their society rose. When machines began taking control of their jobs, they became more frantic to improve and stay above the lower class in society. Proletariats were the more privileged people in society. When they saw the rise of the bourgeoisies, they sought to keep their place as upper class in society. They wanted didn't want others messing up their status after generations of remaining at the top. Marx went on to discuss the differences between the two and his idea of the future of society, especially associating communism into the equation. I disagreed with Marx on some of his ideas in Manifesto, but this particular subject of classes intrigued me because it is prevalent to this day in our society.

I commented on Abbie George's post.

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